Fun side note: We finished up Peaky Blinders a week or so ago and like it a lot. Aunt Polly was one of my favorite characters, but not Brandon’s. This was also the second time we tried watching it. The first time we watched about 15 minutes and both said we couldn’t understand a word they were saying and stopped. Now, we are older and watch everything with subtitles so that wasn’t an issue. Turns out, it’s a great show.
Now, back to the floors. So once I was offered my new position and had a start date of early September, it kick started the need to finish the the upstairs’ floor. The ill-timed first bout of COVID that hit all of us but Natalie gave us an unexpected week off work, so we packed up on Wednesday and worked the next four days to get the floors stained.
The first things we had to do was do our best to eliminate all the dust. We went over the floors again with a broom, wiped down the walls and trim where a lot of plaster and sanding dust landed, and then wiped down the floors again with mineral spirits and tack cloth. It was amazing how much residue that combo cleaned up from the floors. Turns out there are a lot of uses for mineral spirits and if Bob Villa tells you to use it, it must be okay. 🙂
Then it was time to stain. We went with Gunstock for upstairs. We started in the green room and I had a moment of panic when he started in the closet. It looked so much darker than our test patch in Morgan’s room.
But I was patient and it turned out beautiful. It is darker than the test patch but it looks really rich and warm. When we started I was doing the edging and Brandon the main part of the floors, but we switched after a bit and stuck with me on the main part and Brandon the edges. Turns out, I have a good touch with the blending.
So once the stain was on it had to dry at least 24 hours before we could start putting the polyurethane on it. And that was because we couldn’t walk on it before then. Brandon headed home before the girls and I, so I was able to check on it Sunday afternoon. It was still a bit tacky in spots which concerned Brandon when I reported it. He wanted me to wipe off the tacky spots so I started to do that, but quickly stopped. I felt like I was going to leave footprints and do more harm than good
And speaking of footprints, we were very careful to keep Clarence off the floors while we were staining, but Saturday night I had that instinct and asked if anyone had seen him. Nope, and I noticed the upstairs door was cracked. So I went up to investigate and there he was, looking at me through the banister. Luckily, he came right to me and I was able to smooth out the little paw prints he had made. He hadn’t had much time to explore, so I could reach all of them from the stairs. He is stealth-like, which is why he is such a good hunter.
So the next weekend we had a super busy Friday/Saturday, but Sunday was free, so we packed up late on Saturday night and were able to start covering the floors with poly by 8am Sunday morning. The first coat took us 1 hour and 45 minutes, but by the last coat, I had it done in 40 minutes. Each coat needed two hours to dry. We realized we didn’t have to be super careful about brush strokes like the stain. We finished up the 4th coat around 7:30 and jumped in the car to get back to Macomb since we both worked the next day.
So the poly was able to dry a full week before we started moving in the next weekend. Now, the main floors. Then we can get the rest of our house moved. YAY!